Please find a guide on how you can keep your child safe online at home and what you can do if you do have any concerns. Download here
It is our duty as a school to ensure that our children are up to date with current and ever changing online safety issues and have a clear understanding on how to prevent incidents and what they should do if they do have any incidents.
We have a very strict policy when it comes to online safety and all of our children and staff have signed an Acceptable Use Policy to safeguard the interests of all of those associated with school.
If you have any concerns, please see class teachers or Mr Spink (Head of School)
We have received the 360 Degree Safe Certificate of Progress.
Virgin Media
The internet is a fabulous place for kids to learn and play, but it can feel daunting for parents too.
Our experts at Virgin Media have launched handy tools to help parents of web-ready kids stay ahead of the curve, including 'Switched on Families' and 'Internet Matters' -
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 empowers Headteachers to such extent as is reasonable, to regulate the behaviour of pupils when they are off the school site and empowers members of staff to impose disciplinary penalties for inappropriate behaviour. This is pertinent to incidents of cyber-bullying, or other e-safety incidents covered by this policy, which may take place outside of the school, but is linked to membership of the school. The 2011 Education Act increased these powers with regard to the searching for and of electronic devices and the deletion of data.
The school will deal with such incidents within this policy and associated behaviour and anti-bullying policies and will, where known, inform parents / carers of incidents of inappropriate e-safety behaviour that take place out of school.
Parental Guidance
Internet Matters provides parents with how you can add parental controls onto devices to help keep children safe:
If you require any further information on E-Safety, please use the following link:
Gaming: What parents and carers need to know
For information about the games your child might be playing
You can use this site to find out whether the computer games your child is playing are suitable for their age. Many games contain elements, in graphic detail, which would instantly rate them as 18+ if they were movies. PEGI rates computer games on a similar scale. Remember that your child may also be playing games at their friends’ houses, so you should check those too!

For pupils:
Google Be Internet Legends- Interland game
Childline - A free helpline for children and young people in the UK.
BBC Own It – Support for young people to take control of their online life, including help and advice, skills and inspiration on topics such as friendships and bullying, safety and self-esteem.
Pupil Acceptable Use Policies:
Adult Information Leaflets