01274 678385

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This web page is where you will find all of current up to date information with relation to Coronavirus and the work we do in school. Any relevant information or documentation from our Trust - BDAT, will also be placed on here.

If you have any questions please contact the school office on 01274 678385 or email

This risk assessment is correct as of the time of publication 2.3.22 and will be constantly reviewed and is subject to change.  For a copy of the latest school risk assessment please contact the school office on the above email address.

Please see our School Risk Assessments below.

School reopening risk assessment

Remote Learning Survey Results March 2021

Education Guidance 

Below is the appendix to our Safeguarding and child protection policy, for the COVID 19 situation. The full safeguarding and child protection policy can be found under the policies tab of the website.

Download Here 


Remote Learning Policy